Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan who recently launched the first teaser of his upcoming film ‘Agent Vinod’ refuted rumors that are leading to comparisons between his film and Hollywood actor Daniel Craig starrer movie series ‘James Bond’. Though, both the Hollywood and Bollywood flicks have a similarity among each other that they are spy stories but both the films have a unique script.
Saif also revealed that his movie is not an Indian version of James Bond. Apparently, filmmaker Sriram Raghavan was quoted saying that ‘Agent Vinod’ would have a touch of Bond’s movie, to which Saif defended saying that his director was misquoted. Saif admitted that Raghavan made such statement while comparing the wardrobe and not the story. ‘Agent Vinod’ that also features Saif’s current flame Kareena Kapoor is scheduled for March 23 release.
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