Pakistani Model turned actor Veena Malik was lastly in news for her sudden disappearance after her nude photo shoot. Reportedly the actor went missing from Friday after which her manager, Pratiek Mehta broke the news of the actor’s disappearance. However, Veena’s manager has now confirmed about the actor’s presence in a Mumbai Hotel. It was speculated that the Pakistani actor had fled to her hometown Pakistan. Even a Pakistani website informed the news of the actor’s arrival to her hometown.
Rumors were also going round that since the actor’s visa had expired in India; she chose to return
to her hometown. However, Veena’s manager has confirmed that the Pakistani actor never left India and that she was always in Mumbai. Veena Malik was lately in news after posing nude for the Indian edition of FHM magazine with an ISI tattoo on her arm. Pakistani Lawyer also filed a case of Obscenity against the Pakistani beauty and appealed to the Pakistani Court to acquire the actor’s passport. Somehow, the lawyer’s appeal was not granted and Veena was secured but the actor is claiming that she has been receiving death threats.
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