Bollywood ex-flames Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor will rekindle their love on the silver screen. The duo has been signed as brand ambassadors for Bru, which are coffee producers. The duo have earlier also endorsed the the same brand now they will be endorsing a new campaign of Bru Gold. Priyanka reveals she enjoys the Bru gold coffee everyday and she cannot have a day without it. Shahid, too, retorts that Bru Gold is a winner among the India coffee brands and the freshness and aroma of the coffee is unbeatable.
Shahid and Priyanka dated over a year in 2009. The duo fell for each other on the sets of their first film together, ’Kaminey’. The reason for the couple’s break up was Shahid’s over possessiveness towards the ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’ actor. The former couple will share the screen space again in Kunal Kohli’s untitled flick.
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