Bollywood actor, Salman Khan is famous for giving suggestions to the film producers. Recently, Salman Khan demanded replacement of music-composer Sohail Sen by music composer duo, Sajid Khan and Wajid Khan for a song in his upcoming YRF’s venture, ‘Ek Tha Tiger’.
Salman has always liked the music by Sajid-Wajid who are supposedly the top Bollywood music composers today. The duo has earlier worked for Salman’s flicks, which includes ‘Wanted’ and ‘Dabangg’. According to the sources, Salman requested YRF’s head, Aditya Chopra to replace Sohail as he was not finding the music
composer’s tunes that entertaining. However, Sohail revealed that Salman had replaced him, as he did not like the lyrics of one particular song.
Sajid-Wajid was called upon to re-record the tunes of the song, which they successfully did and did not even demand any credits for the song. ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ stars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif in the lead roles.
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