Now, if you are thinking that our favourite Hrithik Roshan is actually planning to retire, you are wrong. The actor recently in a joking manner said that he can peacefully retire now, but is not really thinking to go that path. Actually, Hrithik’s pretty wofe Suzzanne recently held a grand fashion show showcasing her designs at her Interior Design store ‘The Charcoal Project’. The designs were absolutely fabulous and were at par with international standards.
The event was attended by Arjun Rampal and Mehr Rampal, Gauri Khan, Sonali Bendre, Zayed Khan and Fardeen Khan, Queenie Dhody, Farah Khan Ali and many more and all were praises for Suzzanne. It was here that Hrithik said that his wife is doing so good for herself that he should retire now. He was extremely proud of her lady love and wished her the best for her future ventures.
We too wish Suzzanne all the luck but really are not hoping for Hrithik to retire.
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