After Rowthiram, Shriya Saran has signed a new project in Tamil. But she is not ready to reveal its details. "All I can say is that it would have a leading actor as protagonist," says the actress, adding that she is content with the kind of films she is currently part of.
"Many ask me what would be my next project in Kollywood. I am going to act in a new film with a popular star. Also, I am part of Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam movies. I am satisfied with what I have," says Shriya, who was last seen in 'Rowthiram' opposite Jiiva.
On Tuesday, the actress had to rush from Bangalore to Mumbai, as she wanted to spend Diwali with her parents. She was in the capital city of Karnataka to shoot for her Malayalam movie 'Casanova' with Mohanlal.
"No matter wherever I am, I would try to celebrate festivals in the company of my parents. Nothing like it," says the actress with a smile.
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