‘aarakshan’ in English means ‘Reservation.’ This is the new film based on controversial subject of caste based reservations in Indian education system has been in the centre of storm from the day it is released. Bans and protests affected the business of film in the long weekend. Director Prakash Jha is hoping that his movie will pick up in second week as there was meager Rs.25 Crores collected in first four days in spite of ban lifted in Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and film did not get released in Uttar Pradesh, the biggest market for Amitabh Bachchan.
First talk for the movie was average to above average because core issue of ‘Reservation’ on which ‘aarakshan’ was made gets side tracked in second half and flick goes on like a regular entertainer with fight against costly coaching institute system in India where education is biggest business with less risk. Let us see, how far this controversy filled publicity will help the film to get bigger merit in second week.
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