genelia’s long time secret boy friend Ritesh Deshmukh is not gelling well with comments made by Pandit Bhagawat Guruji. This pandit claims that Gennie is married to John Abraham for real shooting for a wedding sequence in the film ‘Force,’ a remake to Telugu ‘Gharshana.’ This Pandit made a shocking claim saying, ‘I performed actual wedding rituals and recited proper mantras during the filming of the wedding sequence. Therefore John and genelia are now husband and wife.’
Producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah rubbished the claim. ‘Countless number of weddings have been performed in Hindi cinema but this is the first time that I have come across someone so keen to be in the limelight that he can go far enough to claim to have married genelia off. This pandit is looking for 15 minutes of fame. The whole incident is bizarrely shocking and there is no truth in rumors.’ Not just genelia even John and Ritesh are upset over the claims made by the Pandit.
Young Hero Upset With His GF Marriage <---------------------------
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