New Delhi: Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal was on Friday deplaned from a Kingfisher Airlines flight in New Delhi while he was on his way to Dharamsala. The anti-corruption crusader said he was singled out even when he was carrying a valid ticket, adding that no reason was given to him for same.
“No reason was given by the aircraft before offloading me,” said the key Team Anna member.
Talking to mediapersons outside the airport, Kejriwal said, “I believe some corrupt forces forced the airlines to offload me.”
The Team Anna member further said that he was in the queue to board the flight when officials of the Kingfisher Airlines asked him to step out. He was made to wait there even after the boarding gates shut.
According to Kejriwal, he was told by the airlines officials that his ticket had been sold to someone else.
Following the incident, Kejriwal began protesting against the aircraft at the runway itself.
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