The recent serial bomb blast in Mumbai has yet again left people shattered and the few amongst them are also the Bollywood celebs who can’t stop expressing their grief and despair through various mediums of social media. Amitabh who had conveyed his condolences to the affected people just recently who is now talking of taking up the mater of safety in own hands. Amitabh recently tweeted certain advices for people where he urged them to be responsible for their own lives, he wrote "Each one of us will have to become a ‘policeman’ ... look, notice, observe, feel, sense the danger in every step and report,”

He further even stated that if there are any such programs initiated by the government where citizens will be trained for security he will be the first one to participate, "Let there be private or state professional units that take up the job of training citizens in anti-terror acts... make it compulsory. Make that training program mandatory for every citizen, every national of the country ... I shall be the first to join," he posted. With such motivational words coming from him, hope his million followers too follow his request and be the change.
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